Hope Needs Research
Every Donation Matters.
The promotion of research on glioblastoma is made possible by financial resources, which are provided by the founders. Since the research projects extend for years and should be complimented by additional projects in the future, supporting contributions to the Foundation are very welcome. Every contribution helps us to understand this deadly tumor better, so that long-term therapies may be made available to patients.
If the promotion of research on glioblastoma is also a concern for you, you can support the work of the Anni Hofmann Foundation through donations, or by connecting patients and acquaintances to our work.
Anni Hofmann Stiftung
Sparkasse Ingolstadt Eichstätt
IBAN: DE41 7215 0000 0053 4497 99

Donation in Condolence
The death of a loved one is a painful loss and an enormous burden for those left behind. Instead of wreaths or flowers, you can ask for donations to the Anni Hofmann Foundation at the memorial service and funeral in memory of the deceased.
You can provide the Foundation’s bank details in the obituary and state the keyword agreed with us as the intended purpose – for example „In memory John Doe”. We can only correctly assign the individual donations to your fundraising campaign with the help of the keyword. Thank you for your support!
Please note that due to the General Data Protection Regulation, we do not forward names of donators. We are happy to provide you with the total amount of donations received.
We are happy to provide you with further information and to answer your questions.

Would you like to include the Anni Hofmann Foundation in your testament? That honors us and makes us greatful
You can be sure that your legacy will be used exclusively for glioblastoma research. The foundation is recognized as a non-profit organization and is exempt from gift and inheritance tax.
A prerequisite for an inheritance or a legacy is an effective testament.

Donate as a Company
More and more companies are looking for projects with which they can identify and make a contribution to society. The Anni Hofmann Foundation offers these companies the right opportunity.
If you would like to use your social commitment for internal and external communication through your support of the Anni Hofmann Foundation, we are available to you as a competent partner. We would be happy to develop specific joint projects with you.
We are happy to provide you with further information and to answer your questions.